Friday, September 6, 2024
1 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Priscilla Shirer's On FORGIVENESS & SPIRITUAL GROWTH 2 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Stephanie Ike On The POWER of DREAMS: How God... 39:45 3 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Preston Perry & Ezekiel Azonwu On Overcoming PORN, LUST... 01:07:17 4 Thumbnail youtube Pastors James & Tiffaney Edwards on EVERYTHING Dating + Fruits... 02:27:12 5 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Jackie Hill Perry & Megan Ashley EXPOSE the Truth... 59:38 6 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: REAL MEN SPEAK: Becoming the ANCHOR Your Family NEEDS 01:01:40 7 Thumbnail youtube Priscilla Shirer's on The Real Risk of Forgiveness–And Why It’s... 01:03:59 8 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Why Double Standards Are KILLING Your Love Life 19:58 9 Thumbnail youtube Stephanie Ike Okafor on Power of Dreams, Flesh vs Spirit... 02:42:19 10 Thumbnail youtube Preston Perry & Ezekiel Azonwu on Purpose, Sexual Immorality &... 02:20:14 11 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Mastering DISCIPLINE, SEXUAL urges, Godly Dating | Dr. Karri... 45:27 12 Thumbnail youtube Jackie Hill Perry & Megan Ashley on Sexual Desire and... 02:10:58 13 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: How to SAVE Your Relationship After INFIDELITY 55:28 14 Thumbnail youtube Clip: DEADLY TRAP of PREMARITAL SEX | How It RUINS... 57:42 15 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: The DARK SECRETS of Witchcraft, Tarot, & Reiki REVEALED... 58:19 16 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Pastor Kevin Ewing Speaks on DEMONIC ATTACKS & the... 54:09 17 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: HOW TO TEST A PROPHETIC WORD 34:22 18 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: VETTING a man for MARRIAGE, SIGNS he's NOT THE... 41:51 19 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Ex Pimp on Why Women Fall To Manipulation &... 30:25 20 Thumbnail youtube Tiphani Montgomery, Tiffany Buckner & James Solomon SET IT OFF... 03:42:22 21 Thumbnail youtube Ex Witches saved from Tarot Cards, Reiki, Divination & Demon... 02:58:55 22 Thumbnail youtube Uncovering Evil COVENANTS and MANIPULATION: Deception, Witchcraft & Divination ..... 03:43:22 23 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: DATING after 40, Living Happily Single & Preparing for... 48:01 24 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: DR SPIRIT on FORGIVENESS in Your Past Relationships, &... 01:27:35 25 Thumbnail youtube Tameka Foster on AGE GAPS, Dating Over 50 & Premarital... 01:47:06 26 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Mastering INTIMACY, SEXUAL attachments, Sacred Fluids | Pastor Bryan... 01:07:14 27 Thumbnail youtube CLIP: Tony Gaskins DEBATES ACE Metaphor on the PURPOSE of... 29:09 28 Thumbnail youtube TOXIC relationship content, Player Phase & Hip Hop’s INFLUENCE on... 01:59:37